

movement in


Changing Africa One Young Person At A Time

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Welcome to Catalyze Africa!

This is a movement of young people who are committing to building the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence in Africa across Africa. That means we are developing ourselves to be missional leaders in industries such as business, politics, arts, family, media, education, and religion. No matter where your area of passion is, we know God wants to give you influence to impact that domain for positive transformation.

Here, we are a growth-focused, vision-centered, Christian community of friends who are excited to be a part of God’s work on the continent.

As a developmental society, Catalyze Club will give young people the opportunity to advance their educational studies through subsidized access to the digital learning platform UDEMY which provides over 8,000 certified, skills-growth courses. Additionally, committed Catalyze Club members can unlock access to a variety of online bachelors and masters-level degree programs from South Eastern University, a highly accredited American university. These college degrees are provided at a scholarshipped fee through MISCIO, a Catalyze Africa partner.

As a visionary society, Catalyze Club will give young people the opportunity to participate in the mission and vision of spreading God’s Word to children and youth. There are volunteer and internship opportunities within the program to serve national and international ministry organizations. By collaborating with fellow peers and leaders, members of this program can become catalysts for the Great Commission no matter what sphere of influence they pursue.

As a communal society, Catalyze Club will give young people the opportunity to build long term, peer-led communities with their fellow Chrisitan members and partners. These communities exist at a local, regional and continental level, providing increased cross-cultural exposure as they progress in the club.


Our Collaborators

How can I join the Movement?


Designed for:
  • Ages 16-25
  • Active Locations: Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Mission: Change Africa and the world


Are you a:
  • Parent who desires to enroll your child in Catalyze Africa?
  • Leader who desires to launch a Catalyze Africa Club?
  • Partner who desires to support this program?

Our Awesome Partners