Catalyze Africa for Partners
Are you a leader of a children and youth ministry organization or a passionate volunteer in the domain of children and youth work?
We are always looking for enthusiastic collaborators!
The task of catalyzing a movement of young people who will become transformational and missional leaders in their nations requires a collective group of co-laborers.
Our movement welcomes you to lend your gifts, talents and resources to what God is doing amongst the youth of Africa.

Catalyze Africa for Pastors
Are you a pastor of a local church?
Do you have a passion for building the now generation of young leaders?
Then consider this your cordial invitation to partner with us in the Catalyze Africa movement. Pastoral care and spiritual nurture is at the heart of Catalyze Africa. So, we need your leadership, wisdom and support in order to connect our youth to their God-given destinies.

You can become a Catalyze Africa partner by launching a Catalyze Club in your church, supporting the current youth from your church participating in the program, or giving to the movement.

Catalyze Africa for Parents
Are you a parent or guardian of a child between 16 and 25 years old?
You are most welcome!
We are happy to see you are interested in learning more about Catalyze Africa. We believe that parental awareness and support is absolutely essential to the success of any student member of this Catalyze Africa program.
While you are dedicating yourself to growing your child to become all they can be, we hope to become a close friend and partner in this mission.
It certainly takes a village to raise a child, so allow us to be a part of your village!